Greetings, I can attest to the terrific performance of Velocity through 5 orders that all shipped the following day after my order was entered. Of greater importance to me, as a former Federally licensed ammunition manufacturer, are reviews of the quality of the Brands they carry, which many do not comment on. Regarding .223 PMC Bronze & Lake City 5.56 NATO 55 Grain, and 9mm 115 Grain Sellier & Bellot, these brands have performed tremendously well at my weekly range visits. As most of you know, ammo is focused on the 3 PPP's, Primer, Powder & Projectiles, & more accurately, the quality of these elements & how they are executed in the manufacturing process. While I prefer to use Lake City NATO as my defensive rounds, I could not tell any difference in accuracy or velocity at 25 to 100 meters. I have shot thousands of rounds of PMC Bronze & every single one fired flawlessly in my Colt M4 & their accuracy was indistinguishable from Lake City. PMC offers their X-Tac brand with a slightly higher muzzel velocity. However, with the exception of Military & LE Snipers, I highly doubt any of us humans can tell the difference. So, my point is range practice at the lower price point with these brands - which Velocity does extremely well. The one exception has been IGMAN .308/7.62 X 51. This ammo was terrible. It caused Failure to Eject malfunctions so frequently that I dumped the remaining rounds I had in the appropriate bucket at the range, & I gave it the appropriate review here. This is not to say your AR10 wouldn't preform well...Keep up the great work, Velocity!