270 Win – HSM Tipping Point 150 Grain Hornady SST – 20 Rounds


$1.77 Per Round

Manufacturer – HSM

Bullet – 150 Grain Hornady SST

Case – Brass

Use – Hunting / Target

Quantity – 20 Rounds Per Box

10in stock

UPC: 810742028855MPN / SKU: HSM-270-10-N


The Hornady SST is designed to deliver tremendous shock on impact while expanding rapidly, reliable and particularly at higher velocities. It is flat shooting and deadly accurate, making it an ideal bullet for whitetails as well as North American game animals. HSM 270 Winchester is packaged in boxes of 20 rounds.

The Tipping Point projectile features a lead core, copper jacket and polymer tip.

This ammunition is ideal for hunting and target shooting.

This ammunition is factroy new, brass cased, reloadable and is non-corrosive.

Additional information



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Number of Rounds


Muzzle Energy (ft lbs)

Muzzle Velocity (fps)

Bullet Type

Bullet Weight
